The AAWJ is pleased to announce calls for nomination for The AAWJ Human Rights Award 2019
To be eligible for the award a nominee will have actively worked to advance human
rights within Australia, or shown great courage in the application of international
human rights principles in their work.
The nominee will have a demonstrated commitment to ensuring the application of
human rights principles, or have engaged in significant initiatives to further justice
and the advancement of the Rule of Law.
The nominee will be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia.
The nominee may be of any gender and membership of the AAWJ is not a
precondition to eligibility.
The award will not be granted posthumously.
No self-nominations will be accepted.
Unsuccessful nominees may be renominated in subsequent calls for nominations.
Calls for nominations will be made to the membership of the AAWJ and any other
individuals or organisations thought appropriate following a resolution of the
Committee of the AAWJ.
A call for nominations will occur no more frequently than once in every two years.
The Committee will specify a closing date for the receipt of nominations.
The nomination must include the following:
- Full name, address, e mail address, telephone number, of nominee.
- Full name, address, e mail address, telephone number, of nominator.
- An up to 500 word submission outlining the nominee’s eligibility for the award.
- Copies of any articles, newspaper items, on-line references, biographies about or by, the nominee.
Judging Process:
The recipient of the award will be determined by the Committee of the AAWJ,
provided that the Committee may appoint a separate Selection Committee, for the
purpose of creating a short list of nominees.
All nominations will be treated as confidential by the Committee.
The Committee (or Selection Committee) may at its discretion request further
information from a nominator.
The Committee may interpret, or vary the eligibility criteria as it thinks fit and its
decision in this regard is final and conclusive.
The deliberation of the Committee (or Selection Committee) is confidential and the
Committee reserves the right not to make an award.
The decision of the Committee regarding the recipient of the award is final and no
correspondence will be entered into.
The announcement of the award will be made in a manner or at an event in the sole
discretion of the Committee of the AAWJ.